Summer Bishil Bio
Summer Bishil was raised in Pasadena (California). The family she was raised with moved overseas when she was three. Summer was a student at British as well as American schools, while her family was living abroad. she returned to her home town of Pasadena just before her birthday of 14. Summer, who had been fascinated by the thought that she would one day be an actor from the age five years old began her first acting course at age 14. Nine months later she was signed by an agent and manager, and then began her profession full-time. In her spare time, she attends college and is striving to complete her degree. One of the young stars that were featured in Vanity Fair's cover story, "Hollywood's New Wave: The Most Hot Kids in Hollywood" in August 2008.Was named one of "Ten actors to Watch" by Variety (2007).Nominee for Best Actress - Spirit Award. Bishil started acting lessons at age fourteen. Within a year, Bishil was signed to a contract by a manager or ag...